In 4 out of 5 cases, the biggest challenge in finding a balance between the status of a mother, woman and a good professional (entrepreneur, intrapreneur or freelancer) is related to lack of time and the need to rigorously plan and organize time resources. The challenge is even greater if we refer to single-parent families, where the entrepreneurs are single mothers. These are the data that emerge from the latest study carried out by the VBS Business Solutions team between June and August this year.
In a ranking of challenges, the need to preserve ourselves emotionally from the challenges of the professional environment, to live in the present (mindfulness) and to fully involve ourselves in everything we do in that moment.
“We, entrepreneurs, have two families – in both, we create something special. I have been an entrepreneur for almost 15 years and quite soon a mother with two babies. When that miracle comes into the world, our focus turns to the child, as a parent, and for a while we totally lose ourselves. But for us entrepreneurs, professional life is not just a job, it is the other creation in which we have invested passion, time and energy. Gradually, we learn to juggle both responsibilities, and after a while we realize that we need to find that harmony in our soul, that it is absolutely vital to feel like women again, to find ourselves – in the complexity of our being. Harmony will never be perfect again, but we will feel fulfilled when we accept ourselves as we are, when we give up perfectionism, when we realize that we don’t have to do everything by ourselves, when we give more freedom to children, when we learn to ask for help from our family and to the people who care about us or when we empower the team”, declares Cosmina Voichița Meseșan, entrepreneur and mother, founder of VBS Business Solutions, coordinator of this study.
In this world V.U.C.A. (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), in this whirlwind of professional tasks and emotions, it is good for each of us to find those activities that charge us, give us calm, inspiration and energy. Connecting with nature or divinity in all its forms often provides a return to peace, calm and balance. Inspiration often comes from our own achievements, reading or interacting with valuable people, finding mentors we appreciate and can guide us in life or business. According to the study, in order to charge us with energy, entrepreneurial mothers do sports, travel, socialize with quality people, play a lot with the little ones and don’t forget to take a breath, rest, meditate. The study also highlights the reality that there are many women who fail to do anything for themselves on a regular basis.
According to the study, the most important qualities that mother entrepreneurs need to have or develop in order to create a balance between their life plans are primarily related to planning and prioritization. Trust, patience, courage, but also empathy or love, both towards others, but especially towards one’s own person, are also of particular importance.
“What do I want – as an entrepreneur and a mother? To enjoy the child’s smile every day, to see him grow and to be with him to read him stories when he falls asleep. To be next to my soul when it needs support, at the same time to be full of energy at the office, attentive, solve situations and make decisions, follow activities and plan to achieve the proposed goals”, describes one of respondents of the study.
“As an entrepreneur, being able to maintain the balance between professional and personal life is the most complex challenge. The role of mother is, by far, the task that demands you the most, but also the one that organizes you the most efficiently. The fact that there are communities that support and encourage women to be able to juggle all the plans of their lives is a sign of empathy and female solidarity that we really need. It is one of the pillars of awareness and education on which we are building the Feminism For Real community”, declares Mihaela Tudor, founder of the international media platform Feminism For Real, a partner in this study.
Recommendations extracted from the study based on real experiences:
* “For entrepreneurs: Give up perfectionism, take action, don’t wait for the perfect moment or product. Action gives you clarity. For mothers: You are the best mother for your child, have patience and trust that everything will work out for the best.”;
* “Stop putting so much pressure on yourself, because you can’t grow from this pressure! Let yourself be supported, trust that life will take you where you want.”;
* “Live an inspired life, work for your dream / business, but reserve enough time and energy for family, for play, laughter, hugs and any other activities that contribute to a happy and loving relationship with your loved ones, with yourself and especially with your children!” – are just three of the dozens of inspiring tips received during the study, along with a list of business books, parenting books or related to our balance as a woman.
If you are also a mother and an entrepreneur, entrepreneur or freelancer at the same time and you want to find sources of inspiration or become a benchmark for other women, we invite you to a discussion community on Facebook, as well as to the first event dedicated to the launch of the study
“Entrepreneur and mother”, which will take place on Wednesday, September 21 at 6 p.m., Calea Victoriei 214, Bucharest. *
This is the 19th study conducted by the Customer Care Association and the marketing and market research experts at VBS Business Solutions. The association also carried out 18 other studies on customer perception and Mystery Shopping, which you will be able to read in the new e-Book written by Cosmina Voichița Meseșan, which will be released at the end of this year, together with other useful information related to the Management customer relationship, communication and empathy.
Daniela Palade Teodorescu
Daniela Palade Teodorescu
Daniela Palade Teodorescu
Daniela Palade Teodorescu