Elena Unciuleanu: „Sunt o deschizătoare de drumuri în domeniul meu – antreprenoare software care scrie cod”
Elena Unciuleanu este creatoare de soft și antreprenoare în IT, fondatoare Reporting Center, în domeniul Regulatory Technology, o deschizătoare de drumuri. A urmat o traiectorie pe linia științelor exacte, întrucât e pasionată de matematică și informatică. În acceasi măsura este o visătoare şi o idealistă, caută mereu inspiraţie în jur, fie că este vorba despre […]
On This Day… Anita Borg – a Legacy for Female Leadership in Technology
On This Day… Feminism For Real pays tribute to Anita Borg, an American computer scientist, founder of the Women and Technology Institute and co-founder of Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. “Around the world, women are not full partners in driving the creation of new technology that will define their lives. This is not […]
Caroline Williams: „My work is focused not on women in tech but inclusion in tech”
Caroline Williams’s work is deeply focused on digital and financial inclusion, the future of work and the freedom to bring your whole self into everything you do. She always advocates for ethical technology, from ideation to usage. She believes in community-sourced development instead of prescriptive guidance. She creates environments where others can learn and take […]