Aurora Simionescu: „There is progress, but it’s slow, and it’s not enough, so we need to keep fighting to increase diversity and inclusivity in science”

Aurora Simionescu is a Romanian researcher, born in Brăila, PhD in astrophysics, one of the 13 Romanians included in the top 100 leaders of innovation in Central and Southern Europe. She graduated from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and did research at Stanford University in the United States as part of the Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship program. […]
Romania, awarded at the Future Innovation Summit, represented by Mihaela Tudor, EWA Country Leader

The European Women’s Association (EWA), a global non-profit platform that promotes women entrepreneurs and their businesses, was awarded at the international event Future Innovation Summit, which took place in Dubai last week. The award recognizes valuable bridging between Europe and the UAE. Mihaela Raluca Tudor, the entrepreneur who represents EWA in our country, as Country […]
Mihaela Tudor: „I think women have learned not to try to be men anymore”

Mihaela Raluca Tudor is a journalist and specialist in PR and communication with 16 years of experience, mother of three children and three companies (TUDOR Communications, and TUDOR Media Productions). She is a serial entrepreneur, country leader EWA (European Women’s Association) Romania, founder of Feminism For Real media international platform and passionate about everything […]
Why are women scientists almost unknown to the general public?

The study that released the most popular women in Romania of all time is a unique initiative of Tudor Communications that aims to explore the public perception of women in a variety of activity fields, especially in science and spheres of action considered being dominated by men. We started with a statistic informing that Romania […]
Cele mai populare femei din România din toate timpurile

Ana Aslan, Majestatea Sa Regina Maria a României, Laura Codruța Kovesi, Nadia Comăneci, Ana Blandiana și Melania Medeleanu sunt printre cele mai populare și apreciate personalități feminine ale României din toate timpurile.Acestea sunt rezultatele unui studiu unic desfășurat de Tudor Communications și VBS Business Solutions. Inițiativa explorează percepția publică asupra femeilor dintr-o diversitate de domenii […]