The top personalities that Romanians identify as landmarks in the fight for gender equality

Mihaela Miroiu, Andreea Marin, Delia, Emma Watson and Michelle Obama are among the top personalities fighting for gender equality, according to Romanians*. Mihaela Miroiu (political scientist, philosopher and writer), Aluziva (Alina Greavu – activist, independent fundraiser, content creator), singer Delia Matache, Oana Băluță (teacher, a researcher specialized in gender equality and politics) and media personality […]

Mihaela Miroiu: „Femeile nu trebuie să mai rămână la marginea deciziei și istoriei”

Mihaela Miroiu este politologă, filozoafă și scriitoare, cea mai consistentă și mai influentă lideră de opinie în domeniul feminismului liberal din România, un punct de referință pentru feminismul real și autentic, pe care îl definește ca fiind umanism cu femei incluse. Aparițiile ei publice, inclusiv cele pe rețelele de socializare, sunt pline de înțelepciune și […]

Mihaela Miroiu – Best Of

Mihaela Miroiu is the most consistent and influential opinion leader of liberal feminism in Romania, a point o reference for what real and authentic feminism can be. She influences the lives of thousands of people who benefit from her experience and she often goes out of her intellectual cocoon and recommends everyone to do so. […]

Ioana Nicolaie – Unul dintre rosturile literaturii feminine e să dea glas femeilor care și-au pierdut vocea

Ioana Nicolaie e poetă, prozatoare, profesoară de literatură și scriere creativă, jurnalistă, fondatoarea și directoarea Fundației Melior care redă viața bibliotecilor uitate din țară. A publicat cinci volume de versuri, antologia Lomografii, șase romane și alte opt cărți de literatură pentru copii, co-autoare în multe cărți de istorii orale. Așa ne-am întâlnit în calitate de co-autoare […]

The main challenges of female leadership in Romania and in the world

The second part of the launch event of the international media platform Feminism For Real focused on the main challenges of female leadership in Romania and in the world. The guests of the debate were: Mihaela Tudor – CEO Tudor Communication and Country Leader EWA Romania, journalist and PR&Communication expert with 16 years of experience, […]

HM QUEEN MARY OF ROMANIA – the most beloved queen of Romanians

Queen Maria is considered “the main founder of the unification of Romania, the country she assumed with all her mind and with all her heart.” Because there is no one else who speaks more eloquently about Queen Maria than Mihaela Miroiu, feminist theorist and activist, writer, philosopher and civic activist, we invited her on stage […]

Mihaela Miroiu: „I want feminism to be installed so that we don’t need it anymore”

Mihaela Miroiu is a feminist theorist and activist, writer, philosopher and civic activist. There are no discussions about Romanian feminism in which the name of Mihaela Miroiu is not mentioned at least once, because usually the references are multiple. It is a landmark in any pertinent debate about the values ​​of feminism and female leadership […]


Svetlana Aleksievich, a Russian writer, was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature 2015 for “The unwomanly face of war”. A title that says a lot. World War II will never reveal its fullness. There is another reality behind the acts of weapons, atrocities and monstrous crimes committed against civilians. Thousands of Soviet women were sent to […]

March 8 should be an exercise in civility, not festivity

On THIS March 8, all our good thoughts go to the anonymous heroines of this absurd war. Mothers, grandparents, sisters, aunts who overnight saw their family torn apart, the peace shattered, the house and their future damaged. For them, who are now resuming the difficult exercise of survival and resilience in the most difficult conditions. […]

Eco-feminism – a possible solution to the climate crisis protecting women’s rights

Did you know that there is also eco-feminism? As we talk about the growing climate crisis, I invite you to a new perspective on this increasingly threatening reality. It may sound weird, but protected and balanced nature has to do with protecting women’s rights. Remember last summer’s fires and the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Those […]