Mihaela Tatu: „<strong>Nu prea există solidaritate feminină în nicio breaslă”</strong>
Bineînțeles că în conștiința colectivă a românilor, Mihaela Tatu rămâne asociată cu notorietatea de la emisiunea „De 3 X femeie”. Dar e mult mai mult decât atât. Felul în care și-a redefinit traiectoria personală din ultimii ani vorbește de valoarea ei profesională autentică. Îmi plac ochelarii ei, dar și mai mult viziunea din spatele lor, […]
<strong>Petronela Rotar: „E așa de evident că femeia încă nu e cetățean de prim rang”</strong>
Pe Petronela Rotar o urmăresc de aproape un deceniu, de când am scris despre generația tinerelor scriitoare care cucereau publicul românesc în perioada 2013-2014. O să mă știi de undeva, Efectul pervers, Orbi, Sfârșitul nopții, Privind înăuntru, Ajută-mă să nu dispar sunt titluri care au cucerit publicul care se regăsește în trăirile scriitoarei, în personajele […]
Mihaela Miroiu – Best Of
Mihaela Miroiu is the most consistent and influential opinion leader of liberal feminism in Romania, a point o reference for what real and authentic feminism can be. She influences the lives of thousands of people who benefit from her experience and she often goes out of her intellectual cocoon and recommends everyone to do so. […]
Cristian China Birta: „Mi-ar plăcea ca feminismul corect să fie mult mai vizibil”
Chinezu e un punct de referință pentru tot ce înseamnă Social Media în România. Știu că nu o să îi placă asta, pentru că, sub pretextul că e prea bătrân – așa zice el, dar e doar un pretext! – vrea să lase locul celor mai tineri, nativilor digitali, care vin tare din urmă. Pentru […]
Gloria Steinem and her world-changing vision, as if women mattered
One of the great feminists of the 60s and 70s, Gloria Steinem, was a journalist, activist, opinion leader, speaker is one that can certainly inspire you. The first triggers that motivated her to become a feminist were her mother’s mental illness, her father’s abandonment and a nomadic childhood caused by frequent family moves. Gloria Steinem […]
Feminism – Humanism – Womanism
Feminity does not need to define for itself new attributes or qualities, it just needs to reconnect with its natural ones. Intuition, empathy, flexibility, care, compassion, resilience, team spirit, connection to nature, active listening, adaptability are timeless values of female leadership that guide us into the new era of emerging technologies. Mihaela Miroiu, the reference […]
Mihaela Miroiu: „I want feminism to be installed so that we don’t need it anymore”
Mihaela Miroiu is a feminist theorist and activist, writer, philosopher and civic activist. There are no discussions about Romanian feminism in which the name of Mihaela Miroiu is not mentioned at least once, because usually the references are multiple. It is a landmark in any pertinent debate about the values of feminism and female leadership […]
Eco-feminism – a possible solution to the climate crisis protecting women’s rights
Did you know that there is also eco-feminism? As we talk about the growing climate crisis, I invite you to a new perspective on this increasingly threatening reality. It may sound weird, but protected and balanced nature has to do with protecting women’s rights. Remember last summer’s fires and the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Those […]
Beyoncé and the new wave of pop feminism
If the millennials have assumed femininity so naturally and casually, it is because one of her idols sent them this message. Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter, the famous American singer and actress, launched in 2014 a strong pro-feminist message with the song “Flawless”. If young women of this generation feel entitled to take action, it is partly […]