The majority of women believe that there is still no gender equality in Romania

96% of educated Romanian women* from the urban environment believe that gender equality is not yet achieved in Romania. And 43% of these say they have witnessed inappropriate attitudes and behaviors towards women in the professional environment, including overt harassment. A large proportion of the research participants have heard or known cases of domestic violence, […]
Diana Şerban about the connection between moral economy and female leadership

In a technical presentation, Diana Șerban is the CEO of Carbogaz, a company that promotes and supports sustainable development, that “everyday future” that we must internalize in everyday life, not just in companies’ programs, missions, and visions. Diana Şerban’s vision, “Live the future in every moment” goes beyond the power of a slogan and becomes […]
Yulia Stark, president of EWA: Women’s solidarity in entrepreneurship and beyond

Yulia Stark is president of the European Women’s Association, international keynote speaker, board member and a serial entrepreneur. Over the last 15 years, Yulia focused on building ecosystems and business bridges, establishing strategic mutually beneficial partnerships globally. Her early career lies in private banking, where she managed investment portfolios of her high net-worth clients. She […]
The most famous women in Romania of all time

Ana Aslan, Her Majesty Queen Maria of Romania, Laura Codruța Kovesi, Nadia Comăneci, Ana Blandiana and Melania Medeleanu are among the most popular and appreciated female personalities of Romania of all time. These are the results of a unique study conducted by Tudor Communications and VBS Business Solutions. The initiative explores public perception of women […]
Cele mai populare femei din România din toate timpurile

Ana Aslan, Majestatea Sa Regina Maria a României, Laura Codruța Kovesi, Nadia Comăneci, Ana Blandiana și Melania Medeleanu sunt printre cele mai populare și apreciate personalități feminine ale României din toate timpurile.Acestea sunt rezultatele unui studiu unic desfășurat de Tudor Communications și VBS Business Solutions. Inițiativa explorează percepția publică asupra femeilor dintr-o diversitate de domenii […]