Diversity & Inclusion is an extremely delicate subject for what the labor market in Romania means. For years it was a marginalized topic, tacitly accepted by our employers, and flagged by recruitment agencies, but with a relatively weak impact on the organizational culture of companies.
It’s a reality that has been talked about for too long in the corners, during the coffee break, at best with the people from HR; with a great load of revolt and frustrations on both sides.
It’s essential to bring it up and discuss it with people who know and/or have actually been through it. Let’s get out of the area of generalities and approach each case separately. Discrimination based on age, sex, religion, and ethnicity are just some of the most common in the labor market all over the world.
Furkan Karayel is the author of the Best Selling book “Inclusive Intelligence”. She was a software engineer. Now she lives in Ireland and she is a speaker, lecturer and multi-Award Winning Global Diversity Inclusion Leader. Her passion is leveraging women-in-tech leadership, diversity and empowering female founders globally. Her favorite topics as an author and speaker are Women in Tech Leadership, Female Entrepreneurship, Bias-Free Decision Making for Leaders, Inclusive Leadership, Engaging Diverse Teams Remotely.
If you are interested in building a happier workplace culture or you struggle to start your workplace diversity Because there really is Inclusive Intelligence, a very precious tool for a leader. You’ll learn the skills great leaders have in common, how they implement inclusion daily, and how they have become role models in their fields. Diversity&Inckusion is a key to unlocking business success. And Inclusive Intelligence is a journey. The sooner you start, the further you’ll go.
In the beginning, try this exercise – name any negative stereotype about your workmates that, in your own personal examples, has proven to be false. Did this experience create a new stereotype or confirm a pre-existing one? Did this experience change the way you act towards your colleagues, how and why? We all make assumptions and stereotypes, and recognizing them is an important intercultural skill.
Furkan Karayel – Inclusive Intelligence: How to be a Role Model for Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Diversity & Inclusion is an extremely delicate subject for what the labor market in Romania means. For years it was a marginalized topic, tacitly accepted by our employers, and flagged by recruitment agencies, but with a relatively weak impact on the organizational culture of companies.
It’s a reality that has been talked about for too long in the corners, during the coffee break, at best with the people from HR; with a great load of revolt and frustrations on both sides.
It’s essential to bring it up and discuss it with people who know and/or have actually been through it. Let’s get out of the area of generalities and approach each case separately. Discrimination based on age, sex, religion, and ethnicity are just some of the most common in the labor market all over the world.
Furkan Karayel is the author of the Best Selling book “Inclusive Intelligence”. She was a software engineer. Now she lives in Ireland and she is a speaker, lecturer and multi-Award Winning Global Diversity Inclusion Leader.
If you are interested in building a happier workplace culture or you struggle to start your workplace diversity Because there really is Inclusive Intelligence, a very precious tool for a leader. You’ll learn the skills great leaders have in common, how they implement inclusion daily, and how they have become role models in their fields. Diversity&Inckusion is a key to unlocking business success. And Inclusive Intelligence is a journey. The sooner you start, the further you’ll go.
In the beginning, try this exercise – name any negative stereotype about your workmates that, in your own personal examples, has proven to be false. Did this experience create a new stereotype or confirm a pre-existing one? Did this experience change the way you act towards your colleagues, how and why? We all make assumptions and stereotypes, and recognizing them is an important intercultural skill.
Photo: Furkan Karayel Facebook
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/