Ecaterina Teodoroiu – the symbol of genuine patriotism

Ecaterina Teodoroiu is one of the most popular women in Romania of all time, according to the study initiated by TUDOR Communications and processed by VBS – Business Solutions.

Ecaterina Teodoroiu is the only woman who fought on the front lines in the First World War. She started as a nurse, then as a scout. He died at the end of the battle of Marasesti urging his soldiers with the words: “Don’t give up, fellows, you are with me!” An example of patriotism and a sense of genuine duty, heroism, altruism and devotion.

The fact that she is the first woman whose portrait appears on a Romanian banknote probably also contributed to this notoriety.

Countries such as Japan, Canada, Israel, Mexico, Philippines, Turkey, Australia, Ukraine already have the portrait of famous women immortalized on banknotes. Former US President Barack Obama says putting female portraits on banknotes is a great idea to encourage women to take a step forward. During his tenure, he decided that the heroine Harriet Tubman, the first African-American woman fighting in the civil war, should appear on the US dollar.

Harriet Tubman was the first African American woman to serve in the military. She was called the “Moses of her people” and had a very turbulent life. She was enslaved, then escaped and helped others gain their freedom as a “conductor” of the Underground Railroad. The brave lady also served her country as a scout, spy, guerrilla soldier and nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War (1861-1865).

The “Women on Banknotes” initiative belongs to journalist Janina Nectara, who sent an open letter to the National Bank of Romania, accompanied by a petition signed by tens of thousands of supporters.

Aurora Petrean, Deputy Director of the Communication Department for the National Bank of Romania, the institution that put for the first time on a Romanian banknote the face of a prestigious woman, represented the National Bank of Romania at the event launch of Feminism For Real and had a laudation speech in memoriam Ecaterina Teodoroiu.

We are looking forward to the next protagonist on the Romanian banknotes!

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