Carmen Uscatu și Oana Gheorghiu – the most appreciated fundraising team in Romania

For over 10 years, since the beginning of their projects, the kindness duo composed of Carmen Uscatu and Oana Gheorghiu has managed to raise approximately 45 million euros, with the help of almost 350,000 individual donors and 4,000 companies. The well-known project of the Dăruiește Viață Association is the reconstruction of the Bucharest hospital Marie Curie (Budimex), known as the first National Hospital for Children for Cancer, Serious Illness and Trauma. At the same time, the two social innovators are working on plans for the second building, which will shelter the rest of the Marie Curie Hospital, so that all the children who will be hospitalized there – regardless of their social condition – will benefit from the same treatment conditions. During the coronavirus pandemic, the Association has built another modular hospital for Covid patients: Modular Hospital 1 Elias, a huge performance in those tough times.

Dr. Beatrice Mahler, manager of the „Marius Nasta” Institute of Pneumoftiziology in Bucharest, handed out the prize and spoke about the importance of collaboration and solidarity in public policies regarding health.

These powerful women are examples of kindness aggregators, but also an inspiration for involvement in charity and social entrepreneurship. They both believe that doing good is about education, caring and compassion. Even if their generation did not grow up encouraging this spirit, they broke all myths and barriers in fundraising.  Times are tough and people are more concerned with survival. Carmen and Oana did not have a specific model, they only discovered this unique 20% tax facility, and they chose to capitalize it on something useful which would prevent the waste of the Romanian state. The two social innovators believe that their model is unique in the world, but they follow what is happening globally in terms of fundraising and adapt to the reality here. Romanians need a lot of emotion and a lot of confidence to donate, so Carmen and Oana succeeded to win the heart of the public and create miracles with every 2 or 4 euros people can donate to do great things.

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