About us

Feminismforreal.com is the brave idea of Mihaela Tudor, a serial entrepreneur who believes in the values of female leadership and who practices it daily – developing herself at home, at work. With good results – a solid career, over 16 years, in journalism and communication, running a successful business of nine years, a fulfilled family.

Alongside Daniela Palade Teodorescu, a journalist with over 20 years of experience in the women’s press and in the one dedicated to entrepreneurial and leadership culture, we highlight the expertise and networking of all these years in a platform dedicated to feminine leadership. Why? Because we both had the privilege of doing only what we love, of choosing according to our mind and heart desire, of making mistakes and assuming our failures, turning our vulnerabilities into abilities. There were times when things were not looking that great, but precisely those moments helped us understand and be grateful for all that feminism has brought into our lives.

The right of women to education, to vote, to political and public representation, to the right to have a job that ensures their existence and independence, to start and run a business, to be able to make conscious choices in personal and professional life – all they now seem natural and accessible to anyone. But they are realities that date back only a few decades and for which huge efforts have been made. That is why we want to offer other women examples of good practices, tools to help them evolve professionally and personally, authentic and credible models of feminism that have turned the world into a much more favourable place for women. Real feminism is the place where women get their strength, inspiration, motivation, and men find reasons to recommend it to their daughters or any women in their life.


To honor the generations of feminists who made this reality possible. To talk about "real" feminism, as it really is, in an accessible and friendly language, and in whose values you recognize and find yourself.


Creating partnerships with men so we can grow together. Building a supportive and cohesive community, a hub of feminine leadership that provides women with information and support to change the world.


Trust that comes from solidarity, empathy, gratitude, collaboration, honesty, decency, courage.

What you can find here

  • Interviews with the most influential female personalities of the moment
  • A hub dedicated to feminine leadership, a guide for progressive minds
  • A center for feminine leadership
  • A place from which women can take their strength, inspiration, motivation, and men to find reasons to recommend it to their daughters or any women in their life.

Daniela Palade

Daniela Palade Teodorescu, the platform’s coordinator, is a journalist with over 20 years of experience in the press dedicated to women, as editor-in-chief of Avantaje magazine, the first Romanian glossy publication for women. She has written various features dedicated to feminine leadership and entrepreneurship. She is an honorary member of associations dedicated to the rights of women and single parents. She published the first testimonial in Romania dedicated to domestic violence (“The story of a survivor”, with the author Eleonora Pokola), the first testimonial on the migration of Romanian women (“The exodus of mothers”, with the author Liliana Nechita), and is co-author in “The civic force of women” (coordinator Andreea Paul) and “Giving Birth. Real life stories” (coordinator Mihaela Miroiu). She is the mother of two children. In July 2019, she was the winner of the Global Woman Awards in the Leadership category, awarded in London, after being awarded the national title in May 2019. Other public recognitions: 2018 – Excellence Award for Responsible Media, awarded by Elite Business Women and Business Women Forum of Romania, 2016 – Beauty of Entrepreneurship Social Journalism Award, offered by the Romanian National Association of Entrepreneurs (ANAA), 2013 – Trophy of Excellence in Social Journalism and the creation of active communities of women, offered by AVON Romania, at the CSR4WOMEN Gala Respect Campaign, Award for Excellence in Social Journalism and the Promotion of Women’s Rights, awarded by Zonta International Club, 2012 – Social Journalism Award for the print press, offered by the COLFASA Association, at

Before feminism was… ignorance! (or how I became a feminist)

Like many feminists, my first encounter with the concept was met with denial, confusion and benightedness. The driving force of this attitude was well rooted in the “it’s easier to fight against what you don’t really understand “. I only have the excuse of youth and a context in which talking about feminism was a bit out of place and seen as unappropriate. I was very involved in creating a community of educated, informed women (I was the editor-in-chief of AVANTAJE Magazine) and it seemed to me that the femininity I was promoting in the first glossy women’s magazine had little to do with feminism. The bottom line is that the editorial board of the publication promoted the values of feminism, but I was not aware of that. At one point, in 2001, a famous Romanian journalist, Marius Tucă, asked me on a TV show if I was a feminist, and I said, “No, no! I am feminine! ” It seemed to me that if I said I was a feminist, they would think I was some of the weird hysterical and outraged feminist. It was a discussion about women’s magazines and the fact that we only promote physical beauty, without any intellectual coverage. None of the guests declared themselves feminist. It was a kind of collective dissent. Thinking about it now, the recall of that moment gives shiveres of embarrassement for my past declared ignorance. Fortunately, all the personal development steps taken were of great support in overcaming this ignorance and three years after that awkward moment, after meeting Mihaela Miroiu, who enlightened my mind and heart and made me understand the meaning and purpose of feminism, confirming that I was somehow, in the subconscious, I have finally found myself on the right track. Now, 20 years after, I realize what tremendous progress has been made in understanding feminism and I want to share it with you – women, young girls, but also open-minded men who value women and want a better future for their daughters or partners. Because a better world for women is a better world for all.

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