Did you know that there is also eco-feminism? As we talk about the growing climate crisis, I invite you to a new perspective on this increasingly threatening reality. It may sound weird, but protected and balanced nature has to do with protecting women’s rights. Remember last summer’s fires and the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Those events took place almost simultaneously; nature out of control was a warning to the drastic limitation of women’s rights in this corner of the world.
This type of feminism is known as the “Women’s Paradise” because it often refers to the highly idealized matriarchal social order.
The theory of this current stems from the fact that women have been ruthlessly exploited for centuries, and now they must be protected, just like Mother Nature. Ecofeminism is a combination of ecology and feminism, which is based on the symbolic relationship between the oppression of women and the destruction of the environment. The destruction of nature and the oppression of women in society are inextricably linked. According to this theory, the way men control and destroy the environment for their benefit and pleasure is similar to the way they control and exploit women. A protected and balanced nature is related to the protection of women’s rights. After all, Mother Nature is a woman too!
For me, this approach was a great AHA!
You will find a broader and very well explained perspective regarding eco-feminism in the book written by Mihaela Miroiu, published by Polirom.

“Women are, culturally speaking, strongly connected to nature, to immanence, to the world of the living; about nature itself could be said to represent the “feminine dimension of existence.” In this paper I will argue extensively the idea that women must assume this condition, I must reevaluate it and not deny it at all. (…) The process of symbolic naturalization of women is associated with that of the symbolic feminization of nature. Throughout the history of feminist approaches, this process has often led to reactions of rejection of the association and not reactions of resignation of nature, although the domination of women by men and the domination of nature by men are the oldest legitimate forms of domination. As a consequence of radical feminism, but also of environmental ethics (or environmental ethics, as I prefer to translate the term environmental ethics), ecofeminism seeks to re-signify this symbolic association, starting from the revaluation of the body, emotional, intuition and continuing with that of nature.
Foto. Pixabay
Photo book cover: Polirom
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/
Daniela Palade Teodorescuhttps://feminismforreal.com/author/daniela/